There are some people in life, whom when their life train runs alongside your own, you just click with.
We had to say goodbye to one such person last week, our Paulus.
His car is outside (neat and tidy, loaded up with his tools), his garage, his home, his flagged garden, his back door, but the street is just that little bit quieter now.
All the laughs and the banter are just echos.
Paul didn’t suffer fools, he played them.
Any goings on, on the street, he was entertained.
He was known by people far and wide, of all backgrounds, of all income levels, it mattered not. Everybody knew Paul and he always had time for them.
You could trust him with your home, always quick with a joke or a come-back, only one thing ever phased him… snakes!
So many happy memories he’s left with us.
The trick or treaters and the packet of biscuits – almost falling off the roof waving for a photo – Wigan pier dancing – setting fire to our fence on bonfire night – cracking his newly laid flags having a barbecue – the smoking cardboard – home brew hand rubbing – not stuffing the turkey Christmas morning – his cats stealing his fried egg, and endless others.
Aching with laughter at his recall of his taking a short cut when out on the beer and burning haystacks. Toyfair visits, carbooters and of course, his infamous wall!
Paul was godfather to sprog2 and father figure to sprog1. He had the only door knock that Coke’s recognised. Furball, Tilly and Cokes would make a B-line for him whenever he landed.

A very skillful and knowledgeable man in regards his trade. He was one of the few remaining that could grain, stain and repair old wooden carvings. His knowledge of steam trains/yards/lines was phenomenal!
Paul could spot an engine or model and know exactly it’s origins, name and history, gathered from years of travelling on them in his younger days.
But above all, he was first and foremost, our friend.
We will miss him deeply.

i knew a man
the likes of whom i will never lay eyes on again